Today is my birthday! 🥳

37 is prime, and also sexy prime. It has the interesting property of being the number most likely offered when you ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 1001. Thirty seven is neat!

Dennis is 37. He’s not old!

Eta Boötes, indicated by the target reticle. Screenshot of Stellarium, an open source planetarium package.
Eta Boötes, indicated by the target reticle. Screenshot of Stellarium, an open source planetarium package.
NGC 2169. Taken by <a href="">Sergio Eguivar</a>.
NGC 2169. Taken by Sergio Eguivar. Source

Eta Boötes, 37 lightyears away, is now in my light cone. NGC 2169 is an open star cluster in Orion that looks remarkably like the number 37. is a website dedicated to the collection of artifacts marked with the number 37.

This Veritasium video is a cool roundup of the interesting things about 37.

  1. When you control for 69 and 42, which have certain culteral significance. ↩︎